Rethink Your Drink

Rethink Your Drink aims to support our communities’ collective health efforts by building a strong agenda with a simple message; drink more ancestral beverages.

The educational resources in this toolkit remind us that genuine nourishment comes from receiving the gifts of the land – fully taking it all in, embracing what is useful, and letting go of what isn’t.

Native Infusion is a teaching toolkit aimed to support you and your community in making healthy choices about beverages. The toolkit integrates Native American cultural teachings and traditional health and nutrition concepts from the Coast Salish region.

Rethink Your Drink Toolkit

  • Curriculum

    Lesson plans and activities that include using the beverage posters, the benefits of drinking water and instructions on how to make flavored waters, herbal teas, smoothies and bone broth. The curriculum also includes a blueprint on how to set up a beverage station, herbal tea recipes, tea plant handouts, information on navigating the beverage isle and additional resources. Sections of the curriculum can be printed and used as handouts.

  • Teaching Posters

    Visually engaging educational posters, including a large poster called “Feeding 7 Generations” with native food principles, and six small posters on traditional beverages with key teaching points. These posters serve as gentle “nudges” and conversation pieces.

  • Feeding 7 Generations Recipe Book

    This recipe book includes native food and beverage recipes.

Teaching Posters